Sunday, April 12, 2009


Wow...what an amazing weekend! It was so good (and the crowd responds "how good was it?"). It was so good that it inspired me to write more than my facebook page can handle!

Before I go backwards a bit let me start by introducing this word that I learned at a Seder (or passover) meal that Amanda and I went to that our church hosted on Saturday. That word is Dayenu ( ). Rather than me explaining all that it means, feel free to follow the link to wikipedia that does a great job with it. When I heard dayenu for the first time it was such a perfect illustration of my life. I deserve nothing yet have been given so incredibly much.

Our family, our friends, our clients, even our pets are such blessings to us. Amanda and I are so fortunate that we usually have a very short list of clients. How can that be a good thing you are asking yourself? Our clients seem to stay clients for such a short time before they become our friends. Obviously we do the work we are contracted to do but it isn't like a sterile business deal. Our work becomes friends providing a service to friends. We have a genuine interest in the lives of our friends and they in ours.


Two recent examples of this is I photographed the Enriquez family for the second time since the birth of their Madelyn. While the goal of the day was of course to provide them with wonderful images of their family, we had such a nice time during the session walking by Barton Springs, taking their portraits and visiting like good friends. The photos by the way came out great!


I also had the chance to visit with and go to lunch with Anna. I photographed Anna and Jayson's wedding on March 3, 2007 and they have since been blessed with a beautiful baby boy, Austyn. They invited me to their home to do maternity photos shortly before Austyn made his first appearance. Anna contacted me again because their two year anniversary had arrived. I was happy to be able to meet Anna for lunch and hand deliver their original images to her. It was great to be able to visit like old friends. I look forward to photographing Austyn in the near future.


I have also been contracted for Rebecca and Kye's wedding in May of 2010. I am thankful for their trust in our business and look forward to getting to know them better as well. In addition to their wedding in May, I have a follow up with Blake and Carol that should solidify their wedding photography for June of 2010. Each of you provide me with new opportunities to learn, serve, and grow. For that I am grateful.


Now to this weekend. Friday was Amanda's birthday. For dinner we went to the Belmont on 6th st in Austin and had a nice and quaint dinner for two. Then we walked to Maria Maria, La Cantina for some coffee, dessert, and live music from The Brew. Did you know that Carlos Santana is one of the owners there? Neat place. My wife is such a neat person. I am thankful that she continues to choose to love me. So, in my blog, 2 days later, again, Happy Birthday.


As I mentioned earlier Saturday we went to the Seder meal. Ever heard of that? For most of you, yeah, me neither. The last supper, a passover meal, was a Seder meal. Of course, most Christians do not practice a real Seder meal because in one oversimplified since, the Seder is to prepare the way for the Messiah. Jews believe the Messiah is yet to come while Christians believe we are waiting on Jesus to come again. So, I don't think I can say we participated in the Seder so that suddenly Elijah would show up with the Messiah known by some other name than Jesus shortly behind him. It did however connect a lot of dots about the history of Christianity and how the things of the Seder all pointed to the life of Christ and the scriptures that he fulfilled. When the word Dayenu was introduced, oh how humbling. The meal was a first and one that I hope next year, at least a hundred more folks get to experience.


Oh, then today. Easter. The day upon which the Christian church rests. But not for today and the empty tomb, the risen Christ, the past 2000 years is nothing but history's greatest sham. Some may read this and say it is a sham. In that case, I simply invite you to find evidence it is. All of the evidence I have read through biblical history confirms it and secular history absolutely cannot deny or disprove it. My life is a series of miracles and wonders that could only be possible through hands of a risen, living Jesus.


Many of you know that Amanda and I went to and were married at Hyde Park Baptist Church in Austin. We loved the church and had/have such great respect and admiration for the pastor, Dr. Bowman. Just over a year ago God called us away from Hyde Park to start going to Austin New Church. Leaving Hyde Park was hard to do. We were not at a point like many where the pastor said something to make us mad so that we were going to "show him" and leave. Quite the contrary, we looked forward to Dr. Bowman's sermon every week. Well, this morning we attended the 11 o'clock sermon at Hyde Park. I have to admit, in some respects it was a similar feeling that I get when I go home to Houston. The house always feels like home no matter where you may live or how long you have been away. After the sermon Amanda and I were able to run to the guest reception and visit with Dr. Bowman for literally a minute or two. What a blessing he has been to Amanda and I as individuals and as a couple. We are very thankful for the guidance he has provided us before and since he married us.


Then there was Austin New Church this evening. Same mission, different method than Hyde Park. Tonight while there was not a sermon, there most definitely was a message (borrowed that from Tray). The evening was focused on worship and workmanship of a living God. Trace, Shonna, Tabitha and Sabrina are members of the church that were so incredibly brave to allow their stories to be videotaped and shown in front of hundreds of people. It is so evident that the leaders and members of Austin New Church are following the path that has been lit beneath our feet. The people mentioned above have come through and overcome some major hurdles in their lives and in their faith. What a powerful message of faith, hope, and love that was delivered this evening. I was in the light booth and was responsible for playing the video and then transitioning back to the lyrics for the song the band was going to play next. After each video I wasn't sure if I could get the tears out of my eyes fast enough to see which button I was supposed to push next! If you are reading this, you will be one of the first to find out that those videos are now on line at for viewing.


In closing let me acknowledge that gratitude is usually not displayed enough. Please take this blog as just a small expression of it to each of you who allow me to be in even the smallest part of your lives. God blesses me when I am blessed by you.


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