Sunday, November 23, 2008
Turkey Day! Albums! Football!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Art Line Premiere
Many of you may have gotten emails debuting our Fine Art Line. This weekend marks the official launch of our line. Our feature is Espana Exquisita. These are prints from our recent trip across Spain and Germany. We have marked this event by offering a 30% discount with the promotional code of " premiere". This discount is only good through October 31st.

Friday, October 10, 2008
Time flies...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Sweet Art
New York
The Quattro Gallery of Austin hosted an exhibition of world photography at the Audi Forum New York City. Austin residents in attendance at the reception are shown in back from left: Ryan Herring, David Sackmary, Dean Buschick, Greg Davis and Steve Moakley; (in front from left) Gray Hawn and Rama Tiru.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Bells to Babies
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Photography and Not
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Frames in Spain...
I hope to have them online in the next couple of weeks.
The first print debut will be in September at the Austin Humane Society's Casino Night Fundraiser. I will be donating a canvas print for auction.
We hope all are blessed.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Matrimony to Maternity
Charles and Erica had a nice and intimate ceremony downtown. The Old Pecan Street Cafe has a hidden little gem of a place upstairs right on 6th St. It started off hectic with crazy traffic and family getting in town late. All that was laid to rest once the ceremony started. The peace that is supposed to be present during such a commitment to God and each other definitely prevailed. It is always encouraging to be a part of a ceremony where God gets the focus and not just a honorable mention just to be polite.
The following week I met my friend and attorney Dax ( at the Capitol for an executive session. We met early in the morning and started outside before the sun got hot After that, we went inside to the House of Representatives chamber and view gallery for a few more shots. Some of the photos are displayed on his website.
That brings us to Fred and Irma's wedding in Round Rock. It took place at First United Methodist Church in Round Rock. What a beautiful Church. It was a great day for a wedding. Everything went off without a hitch. Fred, Irma, and party looked smashing. As always, Amanda and I were honored to play a part in the wedding and really enjoyed getting to know everyone. Photos coming soon.
Then there is Anna and Jayson. Amanda and I photographed their wedding in March of 2007 at the Oasis. Now they are parents to be and called on us to do maternity photos. I always say I have the best clients and of course that still holds true in this case. The portrait session went well and it was really nice to be able to catch up with them and see how their lives have grown since the wedding. We look forward to the arrival of a healthy Austyn and putting him in pictures as well.
That pretty much makes the blog current. I hope all have a blessed week.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Free Wedding Chapel Time Lapse
The ceremony went off with out a hitch (and no one was blown over the railing). The recently constructed reception hall on the chapel's grounds also contributed to a carefree wedding. A short walk from the Chapel itself and there we were. The folks out at the Chapel did a really nice job with it.
Thank you Elizabeth and Alfredo for inviting us to share in your day. Also...we had a lot of fun!
The proofs should be ready and posted by the end of the week.
Next up, Charles and Erica. Amanda and I are looking forward to it!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Full Swing
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Most likely by the time I am able to post this, we will be in Houston and at the end of our journey. That is the journey ends but the trip has a couple of more days. We will stay a night in Houston and collect one dog and then a night in College Station to collect the other.
Finally, on or by Friday, we will be home. That will complete just over 30 days of traveling. We are so blessed that we where able to have this time together in Spain and Germany. We have many memories and of course a few photos to remember it by.
As much fun as we had, Amanda and I are ready to be home. We miss our friends and family here at home and of course, we miss our pets.
I will work on sorting and posting some of my favorite photos from our trip over the next couple of weeks. This first week is going to consist of a wedding and trying to catch up on emails and sort through a pile of mail that I am sure weighs several pounds.
Now we are off to our gate for our flight to Houston.
See you in Texas.

Sunday, May 18, 2008
The River Rhein
We have been in the Frankfurt area for 4 days now. We have had a great time with a little exception. Our train ride from Göttegin to Frankfurt gave me a good case of vertigo off and on for a couple of days. The train moves around 80-90 miles per hour and everytime it went through one of the many tunnels the air pressure in the train changed quickly and dramatically. I finally took enough medication yesterday to reset my equilibrium (it sure did make me sleepy though). Today was much better. We took boat tour of the Rhein which lasted almost 3 hours. The boat had 3 decks and seated around 500 people. During our trip up river there were about 50 people on the boat. On the trip back, there were friend Reinhard and Petra, Amanda and me. The banks of the Rhein have many different villages, super green mountains and several castles. The scenery itself was pretty cool but being the only people on such a big boat made it even better. I think I will tell folks from now on that I arranged for a private cruise (if they haven't read the blog that is). To complete the boat motion sickness or equilibrium problems for me!
After we went into Wiesbanden and had some french pizza. It was really good.
Now we are done for the night and have a full day tomorrow. We will start relatively early and go back into Wiesbaden to go to a big church and then head into Frankfurt to tour the city.
We start our flight home on Tuesday, 12:10 am Texas time. I hope to post once more before we start our journey home.
Until next time.
God Bless.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Late Blog from Germany
Hallo from Germany. It has been a while since my last post. We made it from Madrid and to Hamburg, Germany with no troubles. Our flight was on time and our friend was waiting for us at the airport in Hamburg.
After walking around we went to the supermarket. It was not a walmart but it had some great stuff. The bakery has fresh bread straight from the oven. Not a place to go if you are hungry. We picked up some super stuff and had bbq last evening. Dinner was painfully good.
Today we went to an animal park 20 minutes from Lauenberg. The weather was perfect for walking around. Deer, elk, goats, rams, and a really funny chicken like bird that I forget the name of. It makes some crazy noises.This evening it is off to Frankfurt and then to explore the Rhein area for a few days.
Sorry for the delay in the posting.
Alles gut and we I hope to write again soon.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Capital of Spain
Our train ride to Madrid was nice and smooth. It was a holiday in Spain so the train was packed with people but, it was still a good trip. In coach class we got to watch a movie (and it was in English subtitled in Spanish), had access to the cafeteria car, and there was even a plug in for my laptap.
After a short cab ride we found ourselve at our hostal...yes, hostal..not a typo.
We got settled in our room and then went out. We walked to the Prado Museum just to see where it was at and then around the area our hotel was at. We had a very good dinner at a place called ¨Miau,¨ yes, that is Spanish for meow. They had a digitized photo of a cat on the doors. We thought it was funny. They food was really good though. After all this time I think we finally figured out the secret to getting good service in a restaurant...sit at the bar.
After dinner we walked around to a one of the many different plaza´s where people hang out. Our first clue should have been the amount of police presence there. Amanda found a clothing store that had some inexpensive clothing. I just wandered about outside the store waiting for her. It only took about 3 minutes until someone who we´ll call, an independant relationship consultant of the night wanted to make my aquaintance for 20 Euro. And in the spirit of the Howie Mandell game show.....¨NO DEAL!¨ So, after this there were 2 plain clothes police officers near that I saw making contact with different people so I thought I would visit with them. I told the officer that the lady had said to me and he said, yeah, she´s a prostitute. I asked if that was normal and legal here and he said yes. Interesting. Í did not know that. I let them get back to work and I again was just hanging out.
I video taped the area just to show the shady side of Madrid. There were another group of police officers that had come through and were making different contacts. They were 40 or so yards away from me with their backs turned my way. I had some other lady whom I highly suspect of being a coworker of the first tell me in spanish that I could not video tape here and I could not video tape the police. My response was ¨ok¨ however I think it was obvious there was a big hint of ¨go away¨ in it. She told me that she was going to run and tell the police...which she did. The police officers raised one a hand and told her to go away in the same manner you would try to get rid of a cat off of your front porch. After that, she just paced near me giving me the evil Spanish eye. I am not sure why this lady had problem with me but, she did.
As soon as Amanda was done in the store, we left that place. I the first 10 minutes were an indication of what was to come there...I didn´t want it.
We walked around some more and then made it back to the hostal without any other experiences with police or prostitutes...strange how that can actually be an accomplishment.
After a restful sleep for me at least (Amanda said she didn´t sleep very well) I write you this update and wait to see what the day holds here.
Tonight is our last night in Spain so maybe I will write again tomorrow before we leave. Tomorrow it is off to Hamburg Germany. For the most part, our crazy hectic days I believe will come to an end. Our goal in Germany is not to run all over the place (although we will be in 3 different cities) but to take time to visit with our good friends there. Hopefully there will still be time for updates and photos.
From Madrid...
(oh, and in case some of you are wandering...and I know probably a few of you are, no, I did not get a photo with the prostitute).
God Bless.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
The Great Wall of Spain

Today we had a nice and economical breakfast in the hotel part of our apartments (they manage both) and then it was off exploring. We hit the Alcazar and then the Cathedral. The Alcazar was HUGE. Once again, Amanda and I were separated at the beginning (which does work out well for both of us on occasions) and it was 2 hours later that we found each other. The Alcazar here had 4 or 5 different large gardens and 2 palaces with in its walls. It also had an abundant supply of doves, ducks, little blackbirds, and peacocks. The photo below is of the old bathhouse/suana. It is all natural lighting and it is pretty cool how the water reflects everything.

Saturday, May 3, 2008
We hit Cordoba at a fantastic time. We all know Cinco de Mayo, but here they have Cruz de Mayo (Cross of May) on May 1st. It comes with equestrian events, crosses made out of roses, ironically a lot of drinking, and flamenco dancing.

Our first day here we watched some of the equestrian events that were being held. The horses were basically being paraded around in a rodeo type setting for judging on the horse itself and its behavior in the ring (no riders, just being led around by a rope). The horses were such magnificent creatures to watch.

Yesterday we went to the Mezquita. The Mezquita is a Catholic Cathedral that changed hands a few times between Catholicisim and Islam being both a church and a mosque. Its last turn over left it as a Catholic Cathedral. The place seems to take up 3 or 4 city blocks. It is a grand place in deed. Amanda and I were seperated for a while because she walked on while I was taking photos and then I got caught up in a group of Japanese tourists. Let me tell you this...that is like trying to get out of a bad rip tide. Not easily done and usually requires assistance. Them folks were serious about their tour and woe be to anyone who accidentally gets caught in the middle.

Finally, last night we went to an Arabic spa. It is laid out like bath houses from several hundred years ago. You enter along with sevearl other people all in bathing suits. There is a very cold pool, a warm pool, a hot spa, and a suana. They theory is by alternating several times between those, circulation and thus overall health is improved. A 15 minute massage was also included with that. Nice but, my massage didn't even have enough pressure to tickle me. Oh well, neat, but, would pay for it again experience.
After the spa we had dinner and a belly dancing show. Dinner was good but should be billed as "dinner and a belly dancer will come running by your table 3 or 4 times."
Oh well. At any rate, Cordoba has been a lot of fun. Experiencing the culture of today (flamenco and equestrian) has been more interesting to me than some of the historical archetechture.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Jaen..should be pronounced: High End
How convenient I thought. The bartender although nice seemed just a little shady. I think I was able to figure out the fantasmo situation. I think, late at night the bartender puts on a mask and goes in search of guests and staff to scare off. I think this is all part of his plan to become the owner of the Parador and have it all to himself. Had Amanda and I stayed another night, I think I could have caught him. I know what he would have said too "my plan was going just fine until you kids and your little dog showed up and got in the way." SCOOBY SCOOBY DOOOO!!!
The Parador was a decent hotel however Amanda and I are both in agreement in saying the room, dinner (60 Euro or about 90 U.S. dollars total) and the breakfast (15 Euro or about 20 U.S. for each of us) was not worth it. We also had to take cab to and from the hotel which was about $20 euro total. This is part of the trip we could have bypassed. The itinerary wasn't that great but, Amanda and I enjoyed our time together anyway.
There was one bit of relative excitement during our 2 hour plus wait here at the bus station. Only a block from the bus station there was a march/parade/demonstration for workers to get better wages. I was able to get out and take a few pictures.
But. Now, we have another hour before we leave for Cordoba and I know this will make up for the last 24 hours. There was one bit of relative excitement during our 2 hour plus wait here at the bus station. Only a block from the bus station there was a march/parade/demonstration for workers to get better wages. I was able to get out and take a few pictures.

Alright then. If you are reading this that means I have found a way to post it from Cordoba.
Until next time...God Bless.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Daayyyy Tripin´

Friday, April 25, 2008
Barcelona and Tossa Del Mar

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Waking up for our first day
After our filght landed in Barcelona we tracked what seemed for 2 miles to get our rental car and then headed to our hotel. After driving approximately 10 miles I have come to one conclusion. Motorcyclists here would be better used as speedbumps. They are nuts and seem to follow only a select few of the traffic laws that pertain to anyone else. Drivng here will be interesting.
We found our hotel in the center of what looks to be everything. Fantastic location (except for parking, about 3/4 mile away). We checked in and then slept for 3 hours...much needed. After our nap we went exploring. There are tons of restaurants, shops, bakeries all with in a few minutes walk from here. Amanda did good picking the hotel. The main Barcelona Cathedral is within walking distance also. It is a huge building. After that we went to dinner and had some tapas and I ordered, yes, I did order some ravioli. An hour later i reordered the ravioli because the waiter failed to write it down and turn it in. Customer service is not at all like in the U.S. If you need something here, it is on your to flag the waiter down. Otherwise, they will pass by you several times and maybe think to look at you. The raviloi was good but, no worth waiting an hour for it.
After dinner we continued to walk around a bit a before coming back to the hotel an crashing. Now, we start our first full day here. The weather is fantastic and should help out with having a great day.
Until next time... luego.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Espana and Deutschland
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wrapping things up...
April 4th was Katie and Nate's wedding at Kindred Oaks in Georgetown. What a great day for a wedding! It was a really nice ceremony. We really enjoy ceremonies were God and His role in marriage is so heavily emphasized. Nate, you be careful when you're on the job. I hope to have your proofs ready to view before our trip so at least you can look at them and get an idea of which you want to order when we get back from our vacation.

We photographed the highschool senior group at the Capitol, the history museum, and in downtown Austin. Did you know it IS possible to put 9 highschool seniors in a tree on the Capitol grounds? I think that is a record. You guys have been super with getting your orders to me so I can be sure they are processed and shipped before I leave. Thank you again for spending part of your Saturday with me. Best of luck with your graduation and your college endevours!
The same day Misty's bridal portraits were at the Capitol. We had great weather for the shoot. Misty, your boots were way cool. I can't wait to see all of your bride's maids showing them off at the wedding.
The next day was April, Matt, and their soon to be here Riley. Thank you both for trusting us with your maternity photos and for having us over with all of our gear in your living room :). We look forward to photographing little Riley after his arrival.
Then we met with Elizabeth and Alfredo on the UT campus where Elizabeth is a working student. We had a great time walking around the campus and taking photos. We look forward to your wedding and our third at Chapel Dulcinea.
Our latest session was Tammy and David on the UT campus as well. They are both big UT fans so some UT landmarks were a must for the backdrops (unfortunately the Littlefield fountain is still undergoing rennovation). Tammy was so awesome in contracting with me. She was referred by another client and had no desire for a consultation. Only wanted a contract and where to send the deposit too. That was a huge compliment to us.
After this update I realize how much easier it is to update the blog more often. I will get better at that. I will be working on photos and processing any orders that I receive until Saturday. I should also have April and Matt's album revisions done and sent to print by the end of the week also.
Until next time...thank you again to all of our amazing clients.
God Bless,
-Ryan and Amanda
Monday, March 31, 2008
Tassels, Bells and Bellies
Last week was a fun week. I met with Denae and Beverly out in Elgin at Denae's place for their highschool senior portraits. What a cool place to live and work. Denae lives at Down Home Ranch which is a working ranch for people with intellectual disabilities and those who choose to live and work with them ( . The day started out perfect for photos, light breeze, nice overcast. Then, the clouds went away and the wind came. The wind wasn't an issue for someone with a haircut like mine. Denae and Beverly had to fight with it a little more though. We still got some great photos. Thank you Denae for having me out and showing me around a very cool place.
Saturday was Robert and Elizabeth's wedding in Georgetown. Bride, groom, and all related parties looked great. The ceremony was done very well with a nice personal touch. After the ceremony we ended up taking the unity and memorial candles and a hand full of flowers to the reception which of course we did not mind. As I was trying to beat the Hummer Limo to the reception, I remember Amanda telling me "be careful! The flowers!" Amanda and I enjoyed all of your family and friends and they were very good to us We know there are literally hundreds of photographers in the Central Texas area and we really appreciate your choice to partner with us. We look forward to wrapping up the post production of your images and then getting started on your album!
Sunday Amanda and I met Michelle and her family at her pasture in east Austin. We photographed Michelle because she is expecting a new arrival in 6 or so weeks. Michelle wasn't the only one in the photos though. Her daughter Iris and boyfriend Eli managed to sneak in a photo or two. Oh yeah, we had a 4th subject, Michelle's 8 year old horse Lilly also made for a great subject. Apparently Lilly liked me. At least that is what Michelle told me as the horse head butted my shoulder "as a sign of affection." I think horses are majestic creatures and did not mind the gesture at all. I just tried to communicate to the horse that she warn me so I could be better balanced. The photos came out really well and we wish Michelle a very healthy pregnancy. We look forward to photographing the newborn in a couple of months (not sure Lilly will make it into that session).
Today I'll start my week by working on post production on these three sessions. It's a good day. I'm looking out my window at overcast skies, listening to channel 32 on xm radio on the computer. I wish everyone a blessed week and I sign off with tHis word:
Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.
Psalm 143:8, NLT
Monday, March 17, 2008
What a week...
Elizabeth's bridal session went well at the Capitol and we enjoyed her band of merry women that accompanied her. Josh and Misty's engagement session in Bastrop was fun too!
A 70th birthday party was a good time. Thank you Veronica for inviting us and choosing us to document such a milestone in your family. We always enjoy your family! It seems Calvin just might have found himself a summer job as my assistant...sometime after he gets out of elementary school.'re next with the baby photos!
I have awesome clients/friends. Thank to each of you for being so wonderful!
Until next time!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Bigger than you and me
But, this post is not about my photographs. It is just to say thank you to all of my clients who by partnering with me, allow me to financially support brothers and sisters in Kenya. Most of these are pastors of various small churches (small in membership, most have no structure to meet in, only some benches under an acacia tree) who intern, are able to see to the needs of their people.
I just read one of the latest emails from our friends in Kenya that gave me a great deal of encouragement and wanted to share that.
Their stories can be read here: East African Missions
Until next time.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
March Madness
On a business side, I have taken out another online store making some of my art prints available for online purchase . These include the work I did in Kenya that has shown in the galleries in Austin and New York (thank you David Sackmary) I will work more on marketing that.
I have ordered some light modifiers that will really produce some great portraits. I'm especially excited about putting much of what I learned from Sandy Puc' (she is way cool) at a recent seminar to use in photographing infants. It just so happens that I seem to be doing some maternity sessions...chance you ask? I don't believe in chance.
Finally, I have a old but (what is supposed to be) super fast windows based computer that I run Vista Ultimate on. It has finally irritated me enough that I ordered a MacBook Pro. I was hesitant to spend that type of money on the computer and the additional software but, it should really help speed up my turn around time and reduce my urge to put my foot through my computer :). It will be nice to take to Europe also. My current laptop weighs as much as a desktop it seems.
Until next time. God Bless.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Welcome To My Blog
I suspect the blog will evolve as a learn more about it as well.
Thanks for stopping by.
God Bless.