Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bells to Babies

My last post came just after the Dupre wedding.  Today I write after Kristina and Darrel's engagement session at Perdenales State Park and photos of Madelyn Enriquez, the first born of Ron and Risa.

Yesterday was Pedernales.  I met Kristina and Darrel bright and early at 7:30 in the morning and we headed to the park.  They were kind enough not only to offer to drive but, to buy me lunch too!  They realized that a drive and somewhat of a hike in the park was not quite the normal photo session.  Their offer was very much appreciated.

We made it out to the site around 8:30 and walked down to the rock shelf where the falls were.  Already the sun was high and in this part of the park there be no shade.  We took a handful of photos with water cascading down the rocks as the backdrop and then headed hiked back to the car.  From there we went to the beach/swimming area.  It is a really pretty part of the river with calm, green water and cypress trees reaching over the water from both sides.  It was a a tad longer of a walk with a few more stairs than I had remembered.  Never the less we got there.  The day was a bit later and the temperature had already gotten higher.  The water and cypress trees made for a beautiful natural setting.  After some shots and a hike back to the car we left the park and headed for lunch.

We set our heading for the Nutty Brown cafe on W 290.  It was a welcomed chance to sit, cool and refuel (the humans needed fuel).  After a good lunch and great conversation it was back in the car to drop me off and wind up the day.  We had a really good time.

Thank you KO and Bone for a fun morning and into the afternoon.

So today was baby Madelyn.  At only 3 weeks old she is a cutie.  Ron and Risa had a few different looks and wardrobes in mind for her. With only a few breaks Madelyn was such a trooper.  She did so well!  There are some adorable shots that I hope the family has a really hard time choosing from.  If that is the case, it just means I did a good job!

Congratulations guys on a beautiful baby!

So, all for now.

God Bless,

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Photography and Not

Since I last wrote I wrapped up a maternity session with Tammy and Michael. Just like the rest of my clients...super people. We had a great time.

Brent and Sande followed through on their vows last Saturday.  Brent and I have known each other for 10 years so it was a privilege to not only attend but to photograph their wedding.  It was good to see some other mutual friends that I have no seen in a long time.  Sande looked beautiful.  Brent, you did good.  The reception was a blast.  Your peoples are crazy.  Maybe that is why I liked them so much.

I have also done a complimentary session for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep ( . The organization provides sessions and a cd/dvd of images to parents who give birth to babies that never make it out of the hospital.  Either the baby is a still birth or has some other condition that will end in death shortly after birth.  It is a humbling and solemn experience to be in a stranger's life during a time of such intimate grief. My prayer is that images from the session provide something tangible to the parents that their boy Ayden, was here, and did live if only for a short time.

Last week I met a man only known to me as Alex.  Our meeting took place not long after he found out his 18 year old son was killed in combat in Iraq.  It was one of the most difficult conversations I have experienced in a long time.  Alex was a combat vet himself who has been suffering from mental and physical trauma for years.  Among other things he was feeling guilty for "letting" his son join the military.
The point of including this into this post has nothing to do with the politics of the war.  I want it to serve as a reminder that whatever your stance is on the events in the Middle East, people are dying there, and friends and family are being devastated here.  If you pray, keep those that are fighting and those who had to watch them leave in your prayers.

All for now.
God Bless.