Hallo from Germany. It has been a while since my last post. We made it from Madrid and to Hamburg, Germany with no troubles. Our flight was on time and our friend was waiting for us at the airport in Hamburg.
We spent 4 nights and 5 days outside of Hamburg in a small town called Maschen. We did not keep a busy schedule at all. It was a great vacation from the busy schedule we had during our time in Spain.
We were able to spend each day with friends and their families. Since our last visit to Germany, our friend Malte has had 2 children (2 1/2 and 4 months). We were so blessed to have the time to get to know them. It was fun trying to learn German from the oldest child too. I hope that my bad German did not confuse her too much.
We were also able spend an afternoon and evening in downtown Hamburg with our friend Kerstin. We walked around and and then had some really good dinner with pizza and interesting calamari. We thought that it would be fried calamari but, it was grilled instead. We all had a strange look on our face when the waiter sat it down but, we all tried it and it was really good.
On Monday afternoon it was time to leave Maschen and head to the booming metropolis of Lauenberg (population around 300). We rode a train to Göttingen where we were met with our friends Torsten and Petra. We went back to their home and had some coffee and cake on their deck. T'was a great day for that. The town of Lauenberg sits between two big hills (I stop short of calling it a mountain) and from the deck you have a fantastic view of the countryside. A nice dinner followed and a lot of visiting and storytelling.
Today we had a nice breakfast again on the deck during a nice cool morning and then went into the town of Einbeck which is about 8 kilometers from here. Einbeck is a very old town with many of the original wooden buildings from the 1500's still standing and being used. Some have been damaged by fire a few times and rebuilt but many of the originals remain. One of the strangest buildings has a problem and it leans several degrees to the left. Really strange to look at.
After walking around we went to the supermarket. It was not a walmart but it had some great stuff. The bakery has fresh bread straight from the oven. Not a place to go if you are hungry. We picked up some super stuff and had bbq last evening. Dinner was painfully good.
Today we went to an animal park 20 minutes from Lauenberg. The weather was perfect for walking around. Deer, elk, goats, rams, and a really funny chicken like bird that I forget the name of. It makes some crazy noises.
This evening it is off to Frankfurt and then to explore the Rhein area for a few days.
Sorry for the delay in the posting.
Alles gut and we I hope to write again soon. God Bless.